There are plenty of peole blogging about actors and movies, so whats new? Some tech savvy actors have started to blog as well. What do you exect from an actor's blog- some juicy gossip? insider's view point?- unfortunately no. But you get to see their cool pictures and if you are a fan you can go over the moon when he personally(?) replies your messages.
Few months back , south Indian actor Vishal started his blog, I must admit that the pictures are indeed cool, but the blog is not very verbal, he replies to his fans quite promptly(as of now) .
Check out his blog:
vishal's blog
There are other senior actors who blog too. I personally like the geeky, nerdy Aamir's blog , it is more down to earth and personal. South Indian actor Vikram has his own blog here .
Enjoy, have fun blogging and reading our star's blogs!!
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